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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Time 4 Fun - Construction Definitions

Construction Definitions
  1. Contractor – A gambler who never gets to shuffle, cut or deal!
  2. Bid opener – A poker game in which the losing hand wins
  3. Low bidder – A contractor who is wondering what they left out
  4. Engineers estimate – The cost of construction in heaven
  5. OSHA – A protective coating made by half baking a mixture of fine print, split hairs, red tape and baloney. Usually applied at random with shot gun.
  6. Delayed payment – A tourniquets applied at the pockets
  7. Completion date – The point at which liquidated damages begin
  8. Liquidated damages – The penalty for failing to achieve the impossible. 

Construction Definitions When using a "Mobile Resource Management Solution"

1.     Contractor – A "Risk Manager" who knows exactly where he stands on all of his projects.
2.     Bid opener -  Knowing exactly what you can give and take on a project.
3.     Low bidder No Worries!
4.     Engineers estimate – The true cost of construction based on past projects and future projections.
5.     OSHA –  No Worries!  We have all of our forms and documentation easily accessible and correctly filled out.
6.     Delayed PaymentWhat?  We have everything documented so well the checks just come right in.
7.     Completion date – Right on time or ahead of schedule.
8.     Liquidated damagesNever heard of it! 

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