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Friday, August 22, 2014

Joke:  What is the definition of a project manager?  The conductor of an orchestra in which every musician is in a different union.

Most jokes are funny because they are true.  So if a project manager is a conductor and the crew he is managing is a symphony how does he keep every musician from playing their tune in order to create a beautiful melodious harmony?  Or in other words, how does the project manager organize all the different tasks to ensure everything completes at its scheduled time?  Use a Resource management solution like AboutTIme. 

Download this Free White Paper to see how you can manage your project pro-actively instead of re-actively. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

FLSA Lawsuits Increase Over 500%

http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-14-69 A  Government Accountability Office Report (GAO) reported that FLSA litigation increased by 514 percent since 2012.  Even more disconcerting for    The number 1 FLSA alleged violations, 95% to be exact, were from overtime violations.   Half of the overtime violation involved inaccurate record keeping.  Isn’t it AboutTime to implement a time and attendance solution that will provide accurate record keeping?     
construction business is that the construction industry along with Hotels, manufacturing and service industries, makes up more than half of all FLSA cases.

If you haven’t implemented a system, then it is time to do so.  What constitutes a good Time and attendance system?  What type of system can protect your business from FLSA ligation?  Read here

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I saw an article today on cost-effective apps for contractors and the first thought that came into my mind was “what exactly justifies cost-effectiveness?”  Is something cost effective because it gets you by, and it is cheap to purchase, or is something cost effective even if it costs more than cheaper solutions, but gives your business the right results. Just because something takes little to no investment doesn’t necessary mean it is cost-effective.   

You have to look at both the cost and the effect the product has on your business to decide if it is cost-effective.  So how do you decide what solution provides the best solution for the best price? 

First you need to take a good look at your business and how you run it.  Factor in all aspect of your work-flow.  Not only look at the money you spend on payroll but look at the amount of time you spend collecting, deciphering and entering payroll data, after all, time is money. 

Now, make two lists.  One list should include features that are necessities, meaning features that you must have in order to reach the results you want.  The second list should include features that you want.  Wants and needs are two very different things.  A “want” is a feature that would be nice to have, but without that feature the solution will still produce the desired results.

Last, compare solutions with what providers offer and what your needs are.  How much time will you save?  How much money will you save?  What is your ROI for each solution?  Now look at your “wants list.”  What extra features does each solution provide?  How much will those features add to your job quality?  How much time will they help you save?  How much money? 

You may notice that just because a solution is free or cheap doesn’t necessarily make it the most cost-effective solution.  

Take a look at our ROI calculator to see just how cost-effective AboutTime is.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Construction Jokes

It's Friday!  Enjoy your weekend everyone and to kick it off here is a little joke.

A carpenter walks onto a job site of a large company and hands the foreman his application.
The foreman begins to scan the sheet, and notices that the applicant has been fired from every job he has ever held.

"I must say," says the foreman, "your work history is terrible- you've been fired from every job!"

"Yes," says the carpenter.

"Well," continues the foreman, "there's not much positive in that."

"Hey now!" says the guy as he pokes the application. "At least I'm not a quitter!"

Friday, August 1, 2014

Mobile Resource Management Infographic

On a single construction project, large numbers of employees work on multiple tasks.  Each task may involve multiple steps, and each step may involve multiple people.  The use of technology in construction is fundamental in increasing the efficiency of running any project.   Technology allows real-time visibility of project details and allows for easier communication and faster decision making.    Have a look at this infographic from AboutTIme that shows how using a mobile Resource management solution works for your business.